H2O Clusters

Replenishing inter-cellular water
Quench your body with the clean fresh taste of Zunami™ and experience
hydration at a new level. Zunami is highly purified water that has
been raised to a high level of electromagnetic power through a proprietary
process. It is designed to restructure water into hexagonally organized
bio-molecular clusters, providing better intracellular water exchange
(hydration at a cellular level). There are no preservatives or additives
used in this process.
The result is a refreshing and great tasting product that can:
- Increase Cellular Hydration
- Enhance Nutrition and Oxygen Delivery
- Restore Cellular Detoxification Functions
- Improve Cellular Electrical Properties
Why is this so important?
Cellular hydration is the key factor in:
- Delivering oxygen and nutrition to the cells, and
- Removal of carbon monoxide, toxins and waste material (detoxification).
Ultimately this can be the difference between an alert, vital and
healthy individual and one who experiences low energy. In fact dehydration
of the cells is considered a major factor in the aging process and
it is an underlying factor in many degenerative conditions.
Using bioelectrical impedance analysis, it has have been shown how
Zunami can cause, in as little as 10 minutes, significant cell water
turnover more rapidly than purified (distilled, R.O.) or regular water.
Here are just some of the results that Zunami customers have reported:
- An increase in energy level
- Softer smoother skin
- Improvements in digestion
- Weight loss
- Greater mental clarity
- Stress levels decrease
- Sleep improvement
- Greater endurance
- Absolutely great taste
Don’t you think it is time to join the?
In the human body, there are two basic types* of water (biological
Water): Bound water and free water (structured) Structured or
free water is able to move freely through the cell walls and is instrumental
to transport nutrients, remove waste, and maintain proper communication
between the cells. Bound water, on the other hand, is water that becomes
physically bound to other molecular structures and is unable to move
freely through the cell walls.
When we are young, our bodies contain a high level of this remarkable
water and very little bound water.*
However, as we age, bound water becomes more predominant and free
water levels decrease, hindering the effectiveness of literally thousands
of metabolic functions and causing significant structural changes
in our body’s tissues.
Even the DNA in each of our cells, which determines how we grow
and what we look like, is folded around a core of this remarkable
and highly organized water.
As we get older, the clusters or structure of the water molecules
in our bodies changes, because of stress, pollution, toxins and accumulated
wastes (among others) gradually bind to the water molecules,
enlarging and distorting them. As the normal cluster molecules in
our bodies get bigger and lose shape, it becomes difficult for water
to pass the cell wall barrier.

How is it made?
Zunami™ is highly purified water that has been raised to a high
level of electromagnetic power through a proprietary process, the
result is Hexa Structured Water™. No preservatives or additives are
used in this process.
It is this restructuring that makes these products so effective
in accelerated hydration through enhanced mobility.
The process begins with extremely pure distilled water and, while
it is exposed to special lasers and extremely strong magnetic
fields to create stable water "clusters". Most water is in organizations
or clumps of 60 or more water molecules (H2O). The process is designed
to structure the water molecules into clusters that are very
mobile, therefore entering the cell system very rapidly and replenishing
inter-cellular water.
Using bioimpedence, it has have been shown that this solution can
cause significant cell water turnover more rapidly than distilled,
R.O., or regular water.
(*- Katayama, S (1992). Aging mechanism associated
with a function of biowater. Physiological Chemistry and Physics and
Medical NMR 24(1):43-50.)